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PROFILE 山本準 Jun Yamamoto

1982年から1987年まで、クロスオーバー・バンド、Landscape 主宰。
2019年には「De Vulkanen (火山群)~トランペットとオルガンのための」、同曲のトランペットとピアノ版、およびヴァイオリン、チェロ、ピアノのための「銀朱の風」が初演された。
2020年には"Rainfall Shuffle" ~三人の打楽器奏者のための、「ヴォカリーズ~ソプラノとピアノのための」、「鳥はいまどこを飛ぶか~吹奏楽のための」が初演された。
2022年には「心象 I~弦楽四重奏のための」、「ディガンマ~オーケストラのための」が初演された。
2024年3月、第12回JFC作曲賞コンクールにて「彼岸よりの音楽 弦楽四重奏のための」入選
Jun Yamamoto had been active as keyboard player of a crossover/fusion band "Landscape" in Osaka, Japan, during the period from 1982 through 1987.
In 1987-1989, lived in North Carolina, U.S.A., for Master of Business Administration. At the graduation party of the school, he played keyboard in the student-band named "Risky Business".
In the 1990's, mainly engaged in computer-oriented music. Currently working as accompanist for a theremin player, Miquette.
Appeared on the contemporary music scene in 2016, with the premiere of "The War Stood in the End of Corridor" for trumpet solo performed by a contemporary music expert, Kiyonori Sokabe.
In 2017, premiered a string quartet, a duo for trumpet and trombone, a solo for harp, and a 31-instrument brass ensemble. In 2018, premiered "Potsdam Declaration" for Baritone, Trumpet and Piano, and "A Hundred Spooks Marching for 6 instruments, "Ballad in Sepia" for Trumpet and Vibraphone, and "Collage-Uraga to Perl Herbor" for the Gemini Trio.
In 2019, premiered a duo for trumpet and pipe-organ "De Vulkanen (the Volcanos), the same title for trumpet and piano, and the "Vermilion Winds" for Violin, Violoncello, and piano.
In 2020, premiered "Rainfall Shuffle" for 3 percussionists, "Vocalise" for soprano and piano, and "Where Do the Birds Fly Now?" for wind ensemble.
In 2021, premiered "Wèile míngtiān" for Clarinet, Violin and Piano and "Spectacles de Cirque" for Trumpet and Accordion.
In 2022, premiered "Mindscape I" for String Quartet and "Digamma" for Orchestra.
In 2023, premiered "Izaidemu-Yukiminikorobu-Tokoromade for 7 Japanese Instruments" and "Dinamica Impulsiva for Orchestra".
In 2024, in the 12th JFC composition competition, selected as a runner-up and premiered "The music from the other side for String Quartet."
He seldom uses any extend techniques on traditional musical instruments. Rather his interest stays in the combination and movement of all the “musical” notes, which are performed with utmost care by players to sound substantially. He always endeavors to find the definitely necessary notes in the music. All notes should be placed on the exactly correct position.
A Member of the Japan Federation of Composers
A Member of the Orchestra Project
A Member of the composers' group "Albireo"
Auditor, Japan Federation of Authors and Composers Associations
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